Monday, March 30, 2009

Winters in Utah...

Is it safe to come out yet ? April will be here in about 30 hours (red-flag number one ) and I am not feeling Spring. I have been on 4 trips to sunnier climes since New Years . I have no true desire to ski or frolick in the snow. When I am home I hibernate and like it. Church members think I am inactive and friends see me as a social misfit. Yes I am taking my zoloft. No I am not suffering from depression. Anncy-oh yeah. Here is the thing..nice,warm temperatures are in my . I can't deny it and ,worse, I can't seem to change that. Allright it is more than weather. I am a California at heart. Yeah I know the 50 birthday thing is right around the corner and I have been pondering over lots of items. But I am not all freaked out over it, honestly it is just another day,another birthday, another fragment in my life. And if the genes that run through my make-up and family tree have anything to say about it, I am just half way around the track!! I grew up where sunshine ( not to be confused with 100 degree heat ) made me happy. Winter was rain storms. Sandals could be worn 10 months out of the year. Accacia trees bloomed in February. Evenings were mild. Everything was mild. Oak trees on softly rolling hills, covered in green grass. The very though makes me want to cry. I love the mountains here, I truly do..but they don't have fog rolling over them! Am I homesick? No, that really isn't the case. Home is my little family of 11 these days. For the past 25 years,and I am more than happy with that ( so don't go reading something that is not there between my lines!) so what am I searching for ,rambling on about ? I want moderation in my life, moderation in everything. It is not all about the is like the weather.