Saturday, November 26, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Pick your Quirk
Some people call them "pet peeves", I prefer quirks. Something that inexplicably gets jammed in your brain and you can't shake it out. Mine is daylight savings time. You too ?!!! Well, I beat this bugger..I simply moved to Arizona where they know what is what. No changing time here for No reason. Every 6 months it drove me crazy to Have to change my time - I didn't want to, but try as I might it was a very hard thing to boycott. The cute little rhyme just confused me more. And if I really tried to "wrap my mind around it" I got dizzy. Easier to move to Arizona. I hear that Hawaii doesn't change either..another nice option. I woke up such a happier person, and no one heard me screaming," Kevin, did you change This clock?!" I am all about making life a little easier.
Ok..moving onto something with a tad more substance. The most incredible thing happened last night. I was clearly recognized for my dessert making skills. It was at a Ward Family Home evening held at the park. They have it on the first monday of every month. Alpine wards take note...they served hotdogs and dessert. Thats it..no vegetable plates, no sides, no sign ups or "ask these people to bring dishes so we can get them there". No posters, no flyers..nada. And no one was complaining about the meal. There was a prayer on the food but then no program of any kind!! The turn out was good. Men folk were playing basketball, just playing not some tournament thing set up. And then people started asking who made the tres leche cake. At first it simply made my heart sing, but then people were really talking about it. I would hear, "oh, you've got to try that cake." This happens to my good friends and daughters..but not me. As Porter once lovingly said," your desserts always taste good,but they look like hell." Ok, this tres leche cake was not a stunner either but the taste was apparently spot on. Oh, and the other thing is that the sista's down here don't do" homemade". You show up at events and its all costco pie this and Safeway brownies that. Two people had even brought nothing-bundt-cakes, and they were still choosing mine!! Brought a tear to my eye. It is not a huge thing, but I am going to take it.
All this because I finally don't have to reset my clocks. It is MY time you know.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
hello november
Halloween was fun this year..except for two pumpkins missing. Arizonians get INTO this holiday. They come out of there houses - it being delightfully "cool" now ( 82 today)- and sit on their front porches with fellow neighbors and pass out candy. They visit while the kids trick or treat. They decorate their houses up too. We sat in our living room with the door wide open and Preston gave out candy after he was done with walking our neighborhood.
Denver was an Unbelievably good sport. We decided that Buddy the Elf was the perfect costume for him..but we couldn't talk him into it. But he did go for the Pillsbury doughboy hat that hasn't seen the light of halloween since Kevin wore it back in 2002. Harrison had two buddies from school and Denver ( never one to make plans ) went out with them. Someone asked him if he was the dad !! And Denver just takes it in stride. Plus neighbors were very generous with him..so who cares if they think your a dad?!

Devin is putting this on her blog too..but I took the picture and love it..so it goes on mine as well. Porter is the other good sport in the family. He went as a pepsi can -of course. We don't go all out on costumes. Oh, random tag-on. Harrisons Jr. Varsity soccer team won the championship last week. They had a "banquet and awards" and Harr received, "the team hippie". The only LDS boy on the team, and he is seen as a hippie. Interesting. Probably has to do with his hair, but I believe it is more because of his groovy thoughts.
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