Wow...great summer !
Unfortunately it was over in the blink of an eye.
Denver took summer school. Both Boys and Kevin went to scout camp during different weeks.
I was in a "wad" all of june over a medical test that Finally turned out just fine. So we jammed in summertime in those seemingly few days in between.
Preston did a 180 and decided to LOVE the ocean.
Harrison grew his hair out and partied on.
My sweet garden in Alpine sat empty this year. Sad to see..but nice to be back for the best time of the year in utah.
Went down to Newport Beach for Devin Ord's wedding. Fulfilled a dream of being one of the Ord girls :)
Preston wanted to celebrate his 5th birthday at Bennihanas. What five year old wouldn't love that ?! It was yummy.
Kerriann's little friend Brooke got engaged ( and married this coming friday.) Weren't they just teeny,tiny girls ..always laughing ? They seem ever so happy!!
Carolin and Cecilia Falkenberg came out from Germany to visit . It was fun to show them around. Can you believe this crowd actually did what I asked for, posing in this handcart picture ?! This was after the days of 47 parade.
Kerriann got new cowboy boots and they are darling on her.
We got in a lovely kayak run up in the Tetons....ahhh.
Everyone Loved having Carolin back in town. Caity was fetching a gorgeous tan !
Ok , we HAD to show the frauleins Hawaii. Everybody was really good about fitting it into their schedules. Mahalo. Must say that we did not feel complete without Porter, Bo and Brianna ( all who could not get work off on such short notice.)
Little Cooper was a Natural at surfing :)
When all else fails and the heat is just too much we ( or at least "some") of us eat cold watermelon in the buff !!
Roadtrip 2012 was two roundtrips to utah,add on to Jackson Hole, the jaunt over to Orange County ( which oddly did not seem to make it onto my map) and including the nautical miles to and from and around Oahu.....a whooping total of 9,995 miles. Surely there was an additional 5 extra miles somewhere !! No wonder I am pooped :)