Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Desmond makes our house a home :)

Painting the house "tahoe blue".  Well, I 'm not..we hired someone.  I'm excited.

Harrison is going to have thousands of " I had an old mum " stories.  This is the latest one.  The bear had to get braces..again.  Had them back in first grade, but knew there was going to be a second part.  I ask other (younger) mothers in the ward what orthodontist they go to. Whoa !!  There is an opener if you are ever at a loss at what to say in a conversation.  People Love to talk about their experiences with their childrens orthodontist.  Thats good, let them do the investigating.  I mean really ,What exactly do you ask a dentist during an "interview"....are you good ?   do you use mouthwash before you see a patient ?  are you creepy ?  These are just things you find out in your own good time.   So we went to one that everyone raved about.
"TEAM   ORTHODONTICS"...yeah, the name says it all.  Now I am not questioning the mans knowledge or ability,  he seems more than capable.  And the staff is quite friendly.  But the office personifies the name, and the whole idea of "TEAM" went into hyper drive. The attitude and mood is beyond ( way beyond ) cheerful, positive and spunky.  Saturday Night Live could easily create a sketch  on this place.   Don't get me wrong, braces serve their purpose and I am grateful that this orthodontist can pull off this service for Harrisons little mouth.  But people, dental work is Not cool, hip and happening.  It is not the happiest place on earth.  By the end of an hour long tour and sales pitch, I could no longer contain my snarky side.  I could see the fear in Harrisons eyes..Resist mom please !! The  word "team" had been said  - easily several dozen times during this hour.  

       " Tell me, do you all start the morning off with a team cheer ?!" 
She didn't laugh ( oh, we weren't with the doctor , we were with the team coordinator of course.) I looked around at the other moms who were being lead on their own tours with their own gawky young teen....and I do believe they were buying into this stepford practice.  It is going to be a  long 18 months for both Harrison and I !!