Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I am pretty hard on myself. I fall short of the mark in most anything I do. But there is one "thing" I did Really well. I brought Denver into this world. That is what I did for him..and then he did All the rest. I realize parents say this about their kids all the time..but, I mean this kid is really, truly Amazing. I have had teachers say - seriously - with tears in their eyes that Denver is one of the brightest/sweetest/humble students they have ever had. Honestly, this has happened more than once ! When we left Oregon his football coach ( he had played for the Oakland Raiders ) said, " I am going to remember the name Denver Haycock because I know I will hear about him in years to come. That boy is going Somewhere". He has a photographic memory..if we are talking about something that happened in the Harry Potter series he can remember the CHAPTER that it happened in !! His jokes are as dry as his wit is sharp. Church teachers say, " Denver GETS it." That is really the bottom line..he gets everything. And the best part ? He is humble, respectful and dear to the hearts of his parents.

Utah is in the midst of a nasty freeze. Last sunday I was driving Denver up to church early because he had been asked to prepare the sacrament before the meetings started. It was 11* as the mothership slid around the corner and before I could mutter something colorful about what on earth were we doing out in this stuff, the sun crested over the top of the mountain and lit of the tops of the snowy peaks. I looked over at this darling young man all dressed up,who got himself up and has not made ONE complaint and I smiled to myself and thought, add devotion to his long list of attributes. I love this boy.

Ok, and then I thought..stop being so hard on myself..I Am driving this saint up to church. Wow, I have a long way to go !!

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