Saturday, May 22, 2010
Finding your true sport..priceless.
I feel my children cringing as I write these words. Because I have seen them audibly groan when I reach in my make believe quiver and pluck an arrow. Legolas and the fairy gal ( forgot her elfish name ) made archery look so sexy ( oh, Devin hates when I use that word in a blog.) Rather, it was exquisite when the elves let their arrows soar through the air. The elves were my very favorite part of "Lord of the Rings." Their world was so pretty and I loved how they lived in trees. The rest of the movie was filled with such darkness and evil-yes, the elves life was to be envied. And then "Avitar" comes along-taking the tree dwelling to an even higher plane and the arrow whooshing was majestic. Plugging your hair braid into an animals psych and becoming one was ..well, pure genius-but that branch of thought should wait for another day. Enter "Robin Hood" and Russel Crowe looking dashingly heroic with his bow and arrow. Ok, yes, I realize now that this is also my natural ( if somewhat hidden ) talent !! I am one with these archers. I too could live in a tree or on the outskirts of Sherwood Forrest. Don't laugh when you see me next wearing my quiver..I am going to make this work.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Food Memories need a makeover..
I have been reading Molly Wizenberg's darling book, "A Homemade Life". Wow, not only is she a great writer but her recipes look divine.It is a good idea..she writes a couple pages on a memory of her parents/childhood and food and then includes the recipe.Molly's compositions are like comfort-food for the soul. You definitely want to curl up in her charming life. Naturally, it made me reflect on my early days in california and what food memory could I conjure up. Nothing came to mind..I mean not a thing! Well,ok, I had some memories but they weren't exactly good . My mother has some marvelous qualities, but cooking isn't one of them. She overcooked everything and served canned vegetables ( which were also overcooked..gross.) Most meals I couldn't eat, to which she would always say," well, grab yourself a bowl of cereal then." I am sure I have consumed more than a million bowls of Life cereal ( I don't remember her buying any other kind.) Which brings up the issue of variety-there was none. Ironically, the very worst meal of the year was thanksgiving dinner. Her dressing was wet and gooey and included Huge chunks of onion. She also made an oyster dressing-a speciality- that was a white/gray goopy mess of oysters and saltine crackers. The sweet potatoes were her first undercooked item and even the marshmallow sat half-melted and askew. No comment on the turkey. Her lasagna-which was not served at thanksgiving- was decorated with halves of hard boiled eggs. Here is the one memory I came up with. I was about 5 years old and she served me a PB and J. But she had put on slabs of butter Under the peanut butter. Slabs mind you, they weren't even smoothed out. Who does that?!! She made me eat it anyway, and I chocked it down between sobs. Sounds like a chapter out of "mommy dearest" instead of "a homemade life." Cooking just wasn't her thing. I was a skinny little kid..until I learned how to cook for myself!! Do you know who Tasha Tudor was ? An extremely talented artist who drew bucolic scenes of children and chickens and corgi dogs. She illustrated books with these dreamy images of christmas and simple home life. My very favorite was one where the family floated a birthday cake -with candles all aglow- down this meandering creek to the little girl's festivities (obviously it was a summer birthday.) Ubercool. I wanted a life like that!! I loved her drawings and collected practically every book she illustrated. Then I read a bio on this Tasha Tudor and it appears that she had an awful childhood and created these visions to help herself/heal from these memories. Whoa, I am NOT "outing" myself as an abused child. But when I read that about Tasha I thought-good for you, you go girl and all that stuff. Life just NEEDS imagination and creativity.And if I sometimes live vicariously through Tasha's drawings and Molly's yummy childhood be it.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Mother Dear!
Here's to a wonderful Birthday!
You're a joy in all of our lives.
* Thank you for teaching us the importance of recycling...I will never be able to throw a can away without thinking "what would mother do". I know the planet is a greener place because of you!

*I don't think there is a book on earth you haven't heard of or given a chance. I love your love for reading and your obsession with children's books. Every time I read to Preston I remember how much I loved you reading to me when I was little. Thanks for saving all "my books" and passing them down to the next generation!

*Your love of bees is very fitting for a hard worker like yourself. And yet you take the time to enjoy life too. You're so much fun to beeee around, life is a constant party when you are there!
Not to mention you're BEEEutiful!
but most of all for being YOU!
Love you!
Monday, May 10, 2010
feliz cumpleanos..thats how they say it in Spain
next spring birthday gal up to the plate!! a wonderful 10th of May to you Kerriann! I wish you..sunnier days than today..continued success with your schooling, you Very smart girl..loyal friends and no bitter enemies...that your beautiful clear skin will persevere...that your true love of cats will take you places...that you and Seth Cohen WILL find each other...that your fun,vibrant laugh might stop giving you headaches..that Hurley will explain All the mysteries to you..and that you will live a long and prosperous life ( and find out where your chinese lineage comes from.) You are the BEST my dear. May your day and life be filled with gorgeous moments. I love you..mama
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