Thursday, December 2, 2010

feliz navidad

The girls are worried that christmas in arizona is just not going to "feel" right. Maybe it is because I grew up in california and we certainly didn't have a "white christmas"there. Also - being a realist - I do know that not Every christmas is a white one in utah..we just like to think it was. The feel of christmas can be -and is - different everywhere I have lived. But I am happy and relaxed right now. I am in a "good" place both mentally and physically. I LIKE to hear the christmas songs on the radio..I am no longer changing the station when they came on. And all those songs have a different memory And place attached to them ( the smooth Bing Crosby songs are So my dad and the martini swirling 60s...John Lennon's "so this is christmas" is such a groovy,listening to the hi-fi in our woodside living room, "blue christmas" was when Kelly was a tiny little thing going through her Elvis phase, Kevin humming "grandma got run over by a reindeer" the years she came to visit etc. etc.) Music is a key part of feeling christmas.

I like how people put lights on their cactus..I really like that. Many lights on houses in the neighborhood - in fact, We are the ones who look like the "bah-humbugs."Lights look very festive down here in the desert and I say, bring it on. Have you seen that darling Target commercial with various shots of people uber decorating with lights..especially the barn at the end. The best "lighting" of course is the gorgeous sunsets each night with the sagauro cactus silloetted against the skyline. Never fails to hit my "ahhh" button.

We walked around the mall yesterday and Preston was So excited to see Santa. We walked right up,no waiting..we definitely weren't in utah. The little guy waves at the jolly one and says," hi Santa, It's Preston." Well Santa should know him I guess. Last year Pres wanted No part of Santa. Things change, places change..I'm just glad that I am not missing it!

And that is the bottom line. I am Feeling christmas because I am with the ones I love. Snow is good , but my little haycock family is all I really need.

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