Saturday, July 31, 2010

There is a reason that people "summer in Maine" is Divine. All my life I have been drawn to books about Maine, and then I created my ideal image of it. And I have not been disappointed one bit. That doesn't happen too often in life. I even knocked off a big item on my bucket list...went kayaking on Long Pond in Acadia National Park. It was perfect. The water was so clear, the temperature was mild ( both in and out of the water.) I have found another "happy spot" in the world. Then I found the cutest shop on the planet earth. I mean, REALLY, I could just move into that shop and be perfectly content the rest of my life. It was if the buyer had purchased everything in the store with me in mind. It was called-of all darling things-"under the dogwood tree". Not that this day needed anything more BUT the lobster rolls and blueberries have been sublime. Truly one happy camper on this road trip!!!


Devin Ann said...

Sounds wonderful:) Minus the lobster rolls. Glad you are loving your happy place!

Cherie said...

Even the lobster rolls! It all sounds like heaven!