Wednesday, August 10, 2011

my children are my social life

AKA...BECAUSE OF my children I HAVE NO social life." But that is really ok. I love these guys. We moved here to be near Devin and Kelly. Kerriann is my BFF. I can not spend enough time with Denver. Harrison will always be my baby doll. But Dallin...ah, special son. And I had to leave him behind- he is getting on with his life and all-but I really miss him. He is such a vital part of my is like a limb is missing. Is my brain a limb? My heart? Perhaps my leg, because I am just not getting around without him.

Does Brianna catch the vision that Dallin comes in a package deal ( /me ) ?!!

I know it is an issue to Kevin that Dal and I are so much alike.We both amuse and annoy him. Kevin loves us dearly, but also looks at us like, "what on earth - where is that coming from?" Kevin definitely uses one side of his brain. It is unclear what side or region or hidden part that Dallin and I use. But we get each other. No one can do "nothing" better than Dallin or I can. We can be with each other for days on years, and not get sick of each other. My mom use to say, " they forgot to cut the cord on that one." So true, so true.

I miss this guy so much. Phone calls are not cutting it. Is it possible for one little, itty ,bitty person to cause such a great, big, gaping hole in our family when he isn't here?!

come back little sheba:)

1 comment:

Kelli Proctor said...

you are such an awesome mom...loved this post!